Derailment from Prophetic Model

The Prophet's model was based on dawah. It was not based on politics, jihad, conflict or fighting. The Prophet said that a time would come when the community would leave the dawah model and engage itself in politics, jihad, fighting and bloodshed. This was a warning for Muslims. Whenever this happens, the first task is to bring the community back on its tracks. They must return to the dawah model.

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According to a hadith, the Prophet said:  إِذَا وُضِعَ السَّيْفُ فِي أُمَّتِي لَمْ يُرْفَعْ عَنْهَا إِلَى يَوْمِ القِيَامَةِ (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2202) When the sword enters my community, it will not be taken away until the Day of Judgment. This hadith makes one shiver. Once the sword enters the Muslim community, it would not be removed till Judgment Day. When did the sword enter the Muslim community? It was in the period of Hazarat Uthman when Muslim began to fight amongst themselves. From the time of Hazarat Uthman to this day, infighting has continued. There is conflict, clashes, battles in the name of jihad. The result is hatred between groups. Whenever there are quarrels, there is hatred, extremism and fundamentalism. These are all offshoots of hatred. All this is derailment. The Prophet meant that if derailment happens once, it would continue forever. This was a warning to Muslims: whenever derailment happens, you must all try to come back to track. In entire Muslim history, very intelligent people were born but no one tried to stop the derailment and bring Muslims back on track. What was the derailment? The prophetic model is based on dawah, or conveying God's message to humanity. The Prophet was sent as a warner, bearer of glad tidings and preacher, according to the Quran. This is the dawah model. Dawah model involves love for other human beings and well-wishing for them. There is no fighting with people. It is about being friendly with others. The Prophet's model was based on dawah. It was not based on politics, jihad, conflict or fighting. The Prophet said that a time would come when the community would leave the dawah model and engage itself in politics, jihad, fighting and bloodshed. This was a warning for Muslims. Whenever this happens, the first task is to bring the community back on its tracks. They must return to the dawah model.

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